Attention: Facelift

No one has to leave their youthful look behind as they age. An experienced and skilled cosmetic surgeon can remedy the effects of time and gravity. Facelift surgery can even address issues of early aging before they take hold. Here we will introduce you to the benefits of facelift surgery and some of its basic postulates. Practically, it is an introduction to facelift surgery and everything that it stands for.

Why have a facelift?

As we grow older, our skin’s elasticity is minimized, as well as our facial tissues volume. As a result, we will have loose skin on the neck, get deep wrinkles and gain jowls on the lower face. All of that can crush our self-confidence and can have an adverse effect on both our career and personal relationships.

One can mitigate that following a facelift, patients that had a facelift tend to get a massive boost about their appearance. That newfound confidence often translates into a better standard of living, greater ambitions, and increased lust for life. People decide to have a facelift surgery because they have seen the before and after changes in friends or other people.

Types of facelifts

Facelift surgery is a highly customized intervention that is tailored to the patient’s needs. The performing surgeon also tailors his techniques accordingly.


  • Mini Facelift  


People with a mild degree of sagging and jowling make the perfect candidates for a mini-facelift. It is a low invasive technique that allows the cosmetic surgeon to tighten the deep facial tissues with short incisions. In most cases, the incisions will be done above the ears. That way the surgeon can correct the jawline and give new life to a “tired appearance.” A mini-facelift can be performed with general or local anesthesia, which depends on the patient, and it is the cosmetic surgeon that makes the final call. This type of facelift is also known as mini lower facelift as it focuses on that part of the face.



  • StandArd Facelift


A traditional or standard facelift is way more extensive, and it addresses moderate to advanced aging on the neck and the mid-face. Through careful incisions, a skillful cosmetic surgeon can effectively restore the natural contours of both the neck and the face. Because the incisions are more extensive, so are the results and the recovery period is longer.



  • Laser, Non-Surgical Facelift


This type of treatment can increase the quality of the skin and tighten all the pores. That way the skin can significantly increase its glow. This procedure is non-invasive, meaning no incisions are done. It comes with no risk and little to no recovery time. However, some patients may experience partial redness. But that usually goes away in just a couple of hours.

The biggest downside to this is that patients can’t expect the same level of improvements as with mini and standard facelifts. Many even claim that non-surgical facelifts are not actual facelifts and that they shouldn’t be considered as such. At the same time, lasers are perfect for those that like to take care of their skin before the aging process starts to take its toll.

Final words

We live in the Digital Age and a society in which personal appearance is everything. Like it or not, we are always judged by how we look, how we dress, who we hang out with, and so on. A facelift can, by all means, make everyone look more youthful and vibrant. Each of the facelifts has its specifics. Which one will suit you most is something that is between you, your expectations, and your surgeon. Aging cannot be stopped, but it can be prolonged!

Do You Need A Tummy Tuck

Even after following a strict exercise regime followed by even stricter diet and losing most of the extra fat, many people are still not pleased with the look of their midsection or belly. The fact that they can’t get a flat-toned tummy even with all those efforts, fuels their frustration. Sometimes the cause is pregnancy, while other times it is merely because of their genetically pre-determined fat distribution. In any case, it makes women feel both frustrated and self-aware of their appearance.

The solution

Plastic surgeons are solutions to both problems. What they offer is two types of procedures: liposuction and a tummy tuck. There is the mini tummy tuck as well, but that’s just a variation from the tummy tuck.

How to determine what’s best for you?


  • Liposuction


Liposuction is recommended for patients with stubborn pockets of fat and excess fat. The ideal candidates have around 20 lbs. of their optimal body weight and historically haven’t lost weight on a massive scale, nor been pregnant. This procedure includes tiny incisions in the skin and suctioning the fat that is between the abdominal wall and the skin. What matters most is not to suction all of the fat, but to use some of it to sculpt the tummy in perfect shape. Liposuction can be performed on the waistline, hips, abdomen, arms, and the inner thighs. Compared to tummy tucks, its main advantage is that there are speedy recovery time and minimal scarring.


  • Tummy Tucking


Women after pregnancy can still get liposuction, but it won’t be as effective as tummy tucking. A tummy tuck surgery consists of incisions along the bikini line going from hip to hip to lift the fat and skin from the abdominal wall. After the excess skin is removed, the abdominal wall is tightened with stitches. Sometimes, the tummy tuck procedure is complemented with liposuction to remove the fatty layers. Unfortunately, a tummy tuck operation will leave a scar that will be visible for some time. An experienced surgeon can make sure that the incision is kept out of sight when you wear clothes, swimsuit bottoms or underwear.


  • Mini Tummy Truck


If scars are something that terrifies you, then you might consider doing a mini tummy tuck. This procedure enables you to get rid of the extra skin around your waistline but with much less scaring than if you did the full tummy tuck procedure. Mini tuck only removes the skin from below the belly button. Unlike the full procedure that removes excess skin from the whole stomach.

So, the best option is to schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon. That way they can examine you and determine which procedure will suit you best.

Breast Lift The Facts

Breast lift procedures are nowadays considered as a routine procedure. However, there are still some misconceptions fueled by ignorance that is mainly spread over the internet. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common misconceptions about breast lift treatments and replacing them with solid facts.

Myth No.1 – Breast lift is the same as breast augmentation

Reality: A breast lift is a type of plastic surgery also known as mammoplasty in which woman’s breasts are being modified and raised for aesthetical purposes. Breast lifts and breast augmentation share a lot of standard features, but that doesn’t mean they are the same. Breast augmentation can include breast reduction, breast enlargement, adding breast silicons, breast lift, and so on.

Myth No. 2 – Breast lift surgery is a simple procedure

Reality: There is nothing simple about breast lift surgery as there are plenty of things to consider. Any experienced surgeon will tell you that it takes some time to prepare for the procedure as there is a recovery period. That way the risk of potential complications is almost wholly annulled. Before the procedure, you will need to run a couple of tests, scans, and exams. Also, the patient will be asked to stick to a recommended diet before the operation. A breast lift may be considered a routine surgery only if it is performed by an experienced surgeon and in a certified clinic.

Myth No.3 – Breast lift can lead to scarring

Reality: After the procedure, there will be a visible scar. However, that’s only temporary, and after a while, it will vanish on its own. Therefore, there is no need to worry that there will be a scar on your breasts or near them.

Myth No.4 – Breast lift as expensive as hell

Reality: Not anymore! At one point it was only the celebrities and the super-wealthy that could afford it. However, nowadays the price is way lower so that a person with a middle-class income can easily afford it.

Myth No.5 – Breast lift recovery period is short

Reality: the Truth is that any reputable surgeon will ask the patient to take it easy for a period of two to four weeks. That depends on the condition of the patient, as well as the extent of the operation. The thing is that not everyone is in the same condition and everyone’s body reacts differently to one such operation. Then some other circumstances affect the recovery period. The important thing is not to exercise or lift heavy items during the initial resting period. However, to make a full recovery it will take several more weeks so that the swelling will completely go away.

Myth No.6 – I can achieve the same effect with exercising

Reality: Again, there is no truth in this. There is no way to achieve the same results as breast lift surgery. Anybody that says otherwise can be literarily considered as poor information. Exercising builds chest muscle. But that doesn’t influence breast skin or tissue. Therefore, exercising can help you with your confidence, but almost little to nothing when it comes to reshaping or repositioning your breasts.

Myth No.7 – Creams and supplements can help you have perky breasts

Reality: Again, no supplement or cream can help you lift your breasts like a breast lift surgery. Some creams can increase the elasticity of the breasts and encourage collagen growth. But the results are minimal. Anyone can try creams and supplements, but simple before and after comparison can debunk their effectiveness.

Breast Reduction Explained

Having a Breast reduction after giving birth is quite common, and many women do it and especially women that are in their thirties or forties. We will explain everything that any woman should know about the breast reduction surgery, whether it is better to do it before or after getting pregnant, the benefits of specific exercises, potential risks, and the possibility of having a scar, and so on.

Why breast reduction?

Large breasts can cause physical symptoms such as Discomfort, Backache, Neck pain, skin irritations. Psychological distress: Common complaints from women with large breasts include not being able to wear fashionable clothes and finding it difficult to take part in active sports.

The thing is that during pregnancy, and even after giving birth, breasts expand and contract. This is most dramatic during milk production. As a result, a woman’s breasts can increase up to several cup sizes. After the mother stops breastfeeding, the breasts are flatter, saggier, and much bigger than before.

One way to approach this issue is through exercises and a diet. However, that can be helpful only to some extent. A breast reduction surgery can take care of all of that in a heartbeat. Nowadays, breast surgeries are quite common and pure routine. There is not any significant risk of infections, potential scars, or anything like that. Even though after the surgery there will be a small scar. But that’s just temporary, and it will go away after a while.

One big dilemma among many women is whether to do it before or after pregnancy. According to almost all doctors, it’s for the best to do it after giving birth. The thing is that a breast reduction before giving birth could affect the ability of the mother to breastfeed. That is why it is recommended to do it after giving birth.

About Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction is done under general anesthesia. As already mentioned earlier, breast reduction is pure routine nowadays as surgeons have perfected the entire procedure. During the first few days, the breasts will feel a bit too sensitive and tender. Also, they will be bruised and swollen.

The recovery time is something that your surgeon will determine. However, generally speaking, you should constrain yourself from any physical activity or heavy lifting for two to four weeks. Plus, your surgeon might recommend avoiding wearing underwire bras for a few months. That’s the period in which the swelling should completely go away.

The Results

The results will be breasts shaped and the size you want them to be. The plastic surgeon can tell you exactly what you can expect. That alone should give a boost to your confidence and make you feel younger, more attractive, and full of life. Those are some of the main benefits reported from women that had a breast reduction.

Mommy Makeover Confidence Boost

Due to social networks and mass media, we are bombarded with images of new mums that look trim shortly after they had the birth of their child. As a result, an army of new mommies wants to get back in perfect shape as soon as possible. To that end, cosmetic surgeons have developed a series of procedures known as “mommy makeover”.

However, mass media notoriously forget to mention some of the more critical aspects of the mommy procedure, the risks, the before and after expectations, and so on. The misconceptions that have been spread have portrayed a somewhat unrealistic picture of this procedure. Here we will explain what can be realistically expected from a mommy makeover and what that truly means to a young mother.

Mommy makeover – The basics

Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are three distinct phases that have a different effect on the body. What is common for all is that the body is under great stress because it undergoes specific physical changes.

Celebrities, fitness fanatics, and women of great wealth are not immune to those changes, but they do manage to mitigate those effects. At least to some extent. By following strict fitness and diet regimes, their bodies manage to get less altered by pregnancy and childbirth. And when you add the mommy makeover procedure on top of all that you get their looks. Of course, when they are presented on a TV show or photographed they all wear plenty of makeup and are shot only from angles that capture their best parts. But that’s another part of the puzzle that doesn’t belong here.

What’s common for both celebrities and everyone else is that the mommy makeover can’t be done immediately after the child is born. Any decent surgeon will recommend that the procedure is done at least six months after the childbirth. It doesn’t matter whether you are someone famous, you’ve followed this or that exercise regime, or was on a strict diet. Waiting for six months is your safest bet. Anything less and you will be putting your health at risk. On the plus side, the recovery time after a mommy makeover is relatively fast – around two weeks in most cases. Plus, exercising and heavy lifting is not recommended for a total of six weeks.

What to expect from a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is a very personalized and consists of surgery and other procedures. The idea is that each body reacts differently to pregnancy and childbirth. An experienced surgeon can examine the body and in agreement with the patient can determine which procedures should be done. The following procedures are considered as the most common types for most mommy makeovers.


This is to remove the “love handles” or any other excessive fat around other areas than the Abdomen such as excessive fat around the thighs or hips.

Tummy Tuck

During this procedure, a surgeon will stitch back your torn abdominal muscles. That way the area can heal properly, and your


Woman’s labia is sometimes substantially stretched during childbirth. Not only that is a significant cause for discomfort for many women, but it also can interfere with their sexual life. Labiaplasty is a procedure that removes the excess skin and brings back thing as before birth.

Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift (optional)

Pregnancy causes the woman’s breast to expand and contract dramatically and women are left with flatter breasts and saggier than before and that’s where breast lift and breast augmentation come in play.

Childbirth is something that most women are looking forward to. Thanks to modern medicine, childbirth can have a minimal effect on any woman’s body.




Weight Loss and Liposuction, The Truth

If you are tired of hearing remarks about your weight, your wobbly flabby arms and a double chin which hide the neck and wants to start to turn the tables now is the time and liposuction is the solution.

What is liposuction?

Considered one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in recent times, liposuction is an aesthetic surgery that aims to reshape your body and present you with contours that you will love. Contrary to what people popularly believe, liposuction is not just for those overweight obese people, even normal people unhappy with body parts with excess fat can get it done.

While it is true that a good exercise regime and a balanced diet can help you control most of the weight-related issues, sometimes a little help is welcome.

Who should consider liposuction?

Not everyone can undergo liposuction and not everyone needs liposuction. But some candidates are an ideal choice for liposuction if they have the following issues:

  • Bulging fat on hips, belly, neck, and chest that does not reduce with exercise
  • Want a body that is more proportionate.

The truth about weight loss and liposuction

Liposuction is not always about weight loss. Many people often approach a cosmetic surgeon to help them lose weight with liposuction. They must understand that liposuction is meant to give your body proper contours and help you look thinner and it is not a weight-loss method. There are several individuals who have good body weight but are unhappy with localized fat and want that removed.  Probably the one way you can benefit is to keep a check on your dietary habits and maintain a regular exercise routine to help you deal with weight issues. Even those who undergo liposuction if they do not take care of their dietary and exercises needs might end up being overweight and out of shape.

The main criterion for liposuction is good skin tone, sagging skin is a strict “No “and liposuction is of no help there. These patients will benefit from a tummy tuck.

Types of liposuctions

Surgeons rely on different techniques to remove excess fat. Hence, no two surgeons might adopt the same technique. You must always be led by the experience of the surgeon. Some common techniques used by cosmetic surgeons are tumescent, Ultrasound-assisted, laser-assisted and suction-assisted liposuction.

How does liposuction work?

In most cases, the procedure is done under local anesthesia unless your surgeon deems the need to use general anesthesia. The main idea here is to loosen the fatty tissues and remove it. so, your surgeon will use any of the above-mentioned techniques to dislodge the fatty tissue and then make small incisions in the area that needs fat removal. Next, a thin tube is inserted into the incisions and the excess fat suctioned out. The entire procedure can take up to three hours or even longer based on the area covered.

After-effects of liposuction

There will be bleeding, swelling and discomfort and pain since the skin is cut during the procedure. But a skillful surgeon can minimize the after-effects. You will be prescribed pain medication and you can return to work within a few days. Scars fade with time.

Botox is not a surgical procedure

Nobody is born with perfect skin. All skin has visible or less prominent problems. This article is about the way you care for your skin and the nourishment you provide it. A good skincare routine, physical exercises and a healthy diet can all influence the health of your skin. All of these will ensure that your skin stays free from blemishes and damage. Aging is a natural phenomenon. But not everyone’s skin ages the same way. There are some who even experience premature aging. Fine lines and wrinkles are the most common types of skin problems that arrive as visible signs of aging. If you wish to reduce your wrinkles and have flawless skin there is no shortcut. Or is there one? Have you heard about Botox? This is a cosmetic procedure that is made highly popular by celebrities. But this is not something that is meant only for the movie stars. If you see before and after images of people who have gotten Botox treatments you would be amazed. Given the ease of getting a Botox done and the effectiveness of the procedure, there are many who now choose this option.

What is Botox?

The most common misconception that people have is that Botox is a surgical process to correct wrinkles on the face. The truth is that there is no surgery involved. There is a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum which produces a neurotoxin called botulinum. This is a toxin that is fatal even in small amounts. A very small amount of this neurotoxin in a low concentration is injected into the area where the wrinkles occur. Botox injections are also known to be used to treat headaches and this is an FDA approved injection. If you find a certified cosmetician who can give a Botox injection then you can put an end to your wrinkles.

Wrinkles are caused by the loss of skin elasticity. The normal tendency of the skin and the facial muscles is to contract and relax. If the elasticity is lost the skin doesn’t bounce back to its original state after a contraction. This is why lines and wrinkles start appearing even after simple facial expressions like smiling and frowning. The signals for contraction and relaxation are sent from the brain to the facial muscles by specific nerves. The neurotoxin once injected in the form of Botox injection stops the transmission of these signals. As a result, the facial muscles do not contract and therefore there are no wrinkles formed. This is how Botox does its work of erasing and preventing the occurrence of aging lines.

Benefits of Botox treatment

There is no surgery involved and very little discomfort experienced by the patient. The results appear quickly and are long-lasting. When wrinkles begin to appear again you can get another Botox injection. This can be a precise way to correct wrinkles even in the more difficult parts of the face like the corners of the mouth and also the forehead and neck.

A Quick Guide to Breast Augmentation

We are all not blessed with a perfect body of our choice but today with the help of plastic surgery you are in a position to have a body that you can be proud of. A recent trend that has caught up with women is to get breasts of their choice. A lot of women have either asymmetric breasts or some lose volume after breastfeeding and pregnancy and yet others were never gifted with a size that they could flaunt. Whatever the reason, they are unhappy and they want to address the problem. Breast augmentation is the solution that they are all looking for.

What is Breast augmentation?

Often called “boob Job” breast augmentation increases the size of your breasts either by inserting implants or transferring some fatty tissue from other areas of the body. The end result is contoured that is pleasing and a body that can boost the self-esteem and self-image of an individual. The current trend in plastic surgery is to give a natural look as much as possible to the breasts.

How does a surgeon assess a patient?

It is a standard procedure for the surgeon to take before and after photos before proceeding with the surgery. You can discuss with the surgeon the shape you want and based on the original shape and the end result he or she will decide on which type of implant to use. The next thing the surgeon will want to know is the cup size you prefer. Based on your body type, size and bone structure the final decision will be made because you don’t want to end up with breasts that are too large for your body.

Types of implants

Breast implants are not only available in different sizes and materials but also in different shapes in accordance with which part of the breast you want to be augmented. The most common types are:

  • Silicone implants: These implants give the breast a fuller look and are more natural. They are available in various sizes. An improved version is the highly cohesive silicone implants whereby the gel is held more strongly and makes the breasts firmer and the chances of the gel leaking are minimal. But these implants are expensive.


  • Saline implants: They are affordable but not firm and not durable. They are just silicone shells filled with saltwater. An advanced version is structured saline implants that are more durable and firmer.
  • Gummy bear implants:  These implants are the most natural and have a long life. They can increase breast size significantly.


Can a breast be augmented after mastectomy?

In scenarios when a breast is diseased, it is removed or a mastectomy is performed. Even in such cases, the breast can be reconstructed.  During a mastectomy, a surgeon saves the breast skin to use it later for breast reconstruction. Initially, the surgeon will introduce a tissue expander and fill it with saline solution and wait for the chest to heal completely, which is usually between two to six months, before introducing an implant. In some cases, surgeons keep the breast implant in the same surgery as the mastectomy.